Sunday, 24 January 2010


Before I start proper, I wanted to make a few points about equipment. Of course specific recipes are going to need specific tins, cutters etc., but this is just a brief list of the things those who bake really can't do without!
  • Wooden spoon
  • Sieve
  • Large mixing bowl - bigger is generally better, less chance of the mixture ending up outside the bowl!
  • Kitchen scales - baking is a science and precision can be crucial!
  • Cooling rack - it's important to cool things properly or they can end up soggy. You can always improvise with a grill rack though.
  • Electric hand mixer - this might seem like a big expense but it is SO worth it. Saves a lot of time whisking things like cream and egg whites, and you can do 'all in one' cakes which are much easier than combining everything by hand. I have this Kenwood one and it's great.

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